The Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for Harrisburg Accepts Five-Year Financial Plan for 2024

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – At its meeting on October 25, 2023, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for Harrisburg (the Authority) approved the City of Harrisburg’s Five-Year Financial Plan (the Plan) for 2024.  

The Plan was prepared and submitted in a timely manner by Mayor Wanda R.D. Williams.

The approved Plan includes projected revenues and expenditures for five fiscal years, including projected capital expenditures, for the City’s General Fund and other operating funds. The approved Plan projects balanced budgets based upon reasonable and appropriate assumptions, which are described in the Plan.

The Plan incorporates several major initiatives in financial management and other categories, including improvements to the FNB Baseball Field on City Island, development of a Ten-Year Capital Improvement Program, improved fee collection on trash billings, and improvements to reporting and controls in financial accounting.

In correspondence transmitted by Board Chair Audry Carter, the Authority laid out items of focus going forward including:

  • A recommendation that the City exercise restraint in outlaying cash for capital expenditures in 2024, and conserve its General Fund cash balance at or above the policy threshold;
  • A recommendation that the City redouble the effort to shore up the financial stability of the Neighborhood Services Fund;
  • Development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan;
  • Establishing the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund should be fast-tracked; and
  • The City’s anticipated exit from Act 47 status.

Chair Audry Carter shared that the Authority “applauds the City on its efforts to rebuild the Broad Street Market. It is a tremendous opportunity to coalesce the community around a signature community asset.”

The full report can be found at the Authority website, or by clicking on this direct link: